ISSB releases jurisdictional guide to sustainability st...

The International Sustainability Standards Board and the IFRS Foundation publish...

Treasury, IRS propose guidance on clean electricity tax...

The proposed rules on the Clean Electricity Production Credit and the Clean Elec...

Expanded 401(k) eligibility is taking businesses by sur...

There's a new method of counting defined contribution retirement plan participan...

Move beyond the busy season mindset

There are advantages to an extended (but carefully scheduled) tax season.

Yellen embraces carbon market potential

The Biden administration unveiled a framework that includes principles to help e...

PwC lost Big China clients after Evergrande-linked probe

China Taiping Insurance Holdings, China Merchants Bank, China Railway Group, Chi...

Gen Z is tired of being called lazy

Gen Z accounting interns believe the biggest misconception about their generatio...

PwC to become reseller for OpenAI's ChatGPT Enterprise

PwC announced it has made a deal with OpenAI to become the first reseller for Ch...

Recruiting practices to combat the hiring crisis in acc...

Firms are using different recruiting practices to attract younger talent, thinki...

Hillary Salo named FASB vice chair

Having joined the Financial Accounting Standards Board as a technical assistant ...

GASB guidance aims to improve government financial repo...

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board released an updated standard to impr...

In the blogs: Something fishy 

Debate over the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act; assessing last season; Etsy and sales tax...

Excluding capital gains of $10M — or more — from taxes ...

Qualified small business stock carries major potential savings for startup found...

Application portal opens for bonus energy credit

The Internal Revenue Service is accepting applications for the Low-Income Commun...

IRS update: Boosting alternative dispute resolution, an...

The decline in taxpayers taking advantage of the ADR process was a major topic a...

Hillary Salo named as FASB vice chair

The Financial Accounting Foundation announced Hillary Salo as the next vice chai...

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